Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website,, and other sites we own and operate. The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we control, process, handle and protect your personal information while browsing or using this website, including your rights under current laws and regulations. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing / using this website.

Policy Definitions

  • "you", "the user" refer to the person(s) using this website.
  • "GDPR" is the General Data Protection Regulation (UK / EU).
  • "Cookies" are small files stored on the user's computer or device.

Internet Cookies

We use cookies on this website to provide you with a better user experience. Some cookies are required to enjoy and use the full functionality of this website.

Your web browser should provide you with controls to manage, delete or disable cookies. For more information visit

Cookies we use are:

  • results-view-style | grid-page-size | grid-sort-column
    • Website Functionality - Used by the website to keep track of the your configured search result settings.
  • _ga | _gid
    • Website Analytics - Used by Google Analytics (see below)

Website Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics (with the anonymizer function "_gat_anonymizeIp"). Google Analytics collects and analyses details of visits to our website and the resources that are accessed including traffic data, location data, web logs and other communication data (but none of this data will identify you personally). These analytics help us to improve the user experience of the website.

If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics there is a browser add-on provided:

Sponsored Links / Affiliate Tracking

Our website links to external websites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

Our website may contain adverts and affiliate links on some pages. These are typically served through our advertising partners; Google AdSense, eBay Partner Network, Amazon Affiliates, or are self-served through our own means. We only use trusted advertising partners who each have high standards of user privacy and security. However we do not control the actual adverts seen / displayed by our advertising partners. Our ad partners may collect data and use cookies for ad personalisation and measurement. Where ad preferences are requested 'non-persionalised' cookies may still be used for frequency capping, aggregated ad reporting and to combat fraud and abuse.

Clicking on any adverts or affiliate links may track your actions by using a cookie saved to your device. Your actions are usually recorded as a referral from our website by this cookie. In some cases we earn a small commision from the advertiser or advertising partner, at no cost to you.

Access to Your Personal Information

We do not collect/store any personally identifiable information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time. We encourage users to periodically check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect any personal information we collect. The date at which the policy was last updated will always be listed at the bottom of this document.

By using this website you signify your acceptance of this policy. Your continued use of the website following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Last Updated

28th November 2021